Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Invest East Midlands are sponsoring  Business Shows Groups – Events include the Property & Business Investment Lincolnshire Expo 25th March 2025 & the East Midlands East Midlands Expo 11th November 2024 #EastMidsHeadsUp to help plan & prepare the economic boost for the Region.

Invest chairman Martin Freeman says “We have some great talent and companies within the region, and despite an uncertain year ahead for all industry, we remain positive for the East Midlands who maintain & deliver key infrastructure,  supply chain including manufacture, logistics, wholesale & retail. ”

Martin acknowledges no one knows for sure what will happen over the next few months with the cost of living predictions however like many of his Invest East Midlands partners, the general consensus is that we need to continue to be proactive and ready for each situation as they arise.

Martin adds “We need to be ready with a fast moving flexible plan that can deliver what we already have in the pipeline & give a boost that will return jobs, deliver new investment and fast track on opportunities for 2024.”

Everyone can support the #EastMidsHeadsUp by using the search hash on social/biz media and feeding back on success that impacts on the Regions economic development.

Invest East Midlands

Presents a shop window of professional service providers to support inward & indigenous investors, FDI, developers, land owners and end user business occupiers along with their agents & intermediaries to locate in the East Midlands region. Through our network of public & private sector partners we can assist with place selection, acquisition, finance, legal, design, build, construction, contractors, supply chain and route to market. For assistance in locating your business or inclusion of a entry in the Partner Directory e.mail: contact@investeastmidlands.co.uk